sasl_encodev - Encode data for transport to authenticated host


#include <sasl/sasl.h>

int sasl_encode(sasl_conn_t *conn,
                const char * input,
                unsigned inputlen,
                const char ** output,
                unsigned * outputlen);

int sasl_encodev(sasl_conn_t *conn,
                const struct iovec * invec,
                unsigned numiov,
                const char ** output,
                unsigned * outputlen);


sasl_encode encodes data to be sent to be sent to a remote host who we’ve had a successful authentication session with. If there is a negotiated security the data in signed/encrypted and the output should be sent without modification to the remote host. If there is no security layer the output is identical to the input.

sasl_encodev does the same, but for a struct iovec instead of a character buffer.

int sasl_encode(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char * input,
unsigned inputlen,
const char ** output,
unsigned * outputlen);
  • conn – is the SASL connection context
  • output – contains the decoded data and is allocated/freed by the library.
  • outputlen – length of output.
int sasl_encodev(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const struct iovec * invec,
unsigned numiov,
const char ** output,
unsigned * outputlen);
  • conn – is the SASL connection context
  • output – contains the decoded data and is allocated/freed by the library.
  • outputlen – length of output.

Return Value

SASL callback functions should return SASL return codes. See sasl.h for a complete list. SASL_OK indicates success.

Other return codes indicate errors and should be handled.

See Also

RFC 4422,:saslman:sasl(3), sasl_decode(3), sasl_errors(3)